
All the 3D objects included here have been made by me to use in Wildshape. I share them and they don't have any particular license according to what I used to make them so you can use use them for any purpose. The only thing is just to credit me if you do such. For the credit you can just mention me as: Mael Penhoat and add the link to this webpage :

For the realization of these objects I used the following softwares:

  • Sketchup 2017 (for the 3D building) (Freeware)

  • Blender (for the render finishing and obj export) (Freeware)

  • Simlabs Composer (for the render finishing and obj export) (Under Licence)

  • Substance Painter (for the textures work or painting) (Under Licence)

  • Gimp (for the texture color modification) (Freeware)

Most of the textures used are pictures taken from medieval cities in France and modified to fit the global atmosphere of these objects and please find below a short list of textures used from Substance Share website in some of these objects that I have to credit (It should be mentionned that I modified them to fit the golbal atmosphere):