Modular Houses

Modular wall system

Below is a list of 20 obj files with their textures to import in your objfolder in Wildshape to build houses with modular walls. Some pieces permits to decorate the walls and to create open buildings.

Modular Roofing system

Complete Roofing system with mossy tiles texture. Some of them permits to finish the roof borders. We can also use them to build open buildings in combination with wooden supporting pillars.

Modular Gothic/Church Wall system

A set of elements to build Churches and Gothic Dungeons. (The walls are bigger in size than Modular House walls)

Modular Church Roofing system

A set of modular roof pieces compatible in size with the Modular Gothic/Church Wall sys

Modular Gothic/Church Walls deco

Some modular elements to decorate modular Gothic/Church Walls